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SUPPORT KFB “A poetry destination”

In three short years, knife | fork | book has gone from a bookcart on Augusta Ave to “one of the top must-read venues for poets from all over North America”

Nathaniel G. Moore, Verbicide Magazine

More than a “business,” KFB is a passion. A poetry destination. Powered by poets. About to embark on our fourth year.

We can’t do it without you. Here’s direct ways you can help:

JOIN OUR PATREON July/August is KFB’s Membership Drive. If you became KFB member a year ago, that membership is just about up. We’ve shifted our membership to PATREON which allows for easy monthly payments, communications, and renewals. This money goes entirely into our operational costs. KFB needs $1200/month just to stay open. I am personally $7000 in debt, which I can no longer afford to carry. Our PATREON is currently at $500/month with 59 Patrons (thank you). OUR GOAL is to reach $1200/month to cover our base costs and build from there.

MAKE A DONATION For those who prefer to make a one-time payment/donation, there are Interac (, PayPal, ONLINE at ShopKFB, and in store options.

BECOME A CORPORATE SPONSOR We are so grateful to the publishers who have consigned to us, many donating books/sales in generous support of our efforts. Thank you. KFB would like to offer Corporate Sponsorships to publishers in exchange for promotional goods and services. This would include a fee waiver on launches, showcasing new titles at the shop, spotlights on the poets/books you publish, your logo on our website, and what KFB does well, “Poetry well-served.” Contact KIRBY

TAKE A MONTH If a group, business, or individual/s would like to sponsor us for a month, there’s twelve to choose from. You’ll be specially featured online/in store that month and highlighted the entire year.

We thank Chipkar Realtors for being our very first Corporate Sponsor this past year. 

Share your love and support of KFB Our singular mission is “to champion poets and poetry.” We do so with relish, daily. We know how much hard [often unpaid] work goes into creative endeavours. If you host a reading series, please consider one night to benefit KFB, or throw a KFB Poetry House Party (we can help). Weed your collection and donate poetry books to us. As Stintzi would say, “when you adore someone, let them know.” KFB is big on “Inspiring Generosity.” We’re not stingy and we return kindnesses ten-fold.

Moving forward, we intend to shake things up a bit. Because more than a poetry bookshop, KFB is a poetry destination.

One of the most exciting new developments will be the launch of KFB’s “THIS IS NEW” FESTIVAL, that will invite established and emerging poets to read new unpublished works. 

Make no mistake, your generous response will make the difference in our remaining open (I’m particularly concerned about getting through this summer) and celebrating our 3rd Anniversary this October!

Yours, I remain,


KFB current Advisory Collective is Fan Wu, brandy ryan, Khashayar Mohammadi, Dale Smith, Hoa Nguyen, Ralph Kolewe, Kate Sutherland, Shannon Bramer, Jessica  Joy Heimstra, Kirby.

NEW HOME> KFB is also on the lookout for a new home. We love the shared space we’re currently graced to occupy/share at The Dark Side Studio in Kensington (thanks, Audra Simmons) and we’re in no rush. That being said: our shop hours are limited in ways that inhibit sales and we are seeking a wholly accessible space. If you have or know of a space/business that could mutually benefit from our presence, please contact us.

By Kirby

Poet. Book Fairy. Publisher knife | fork | book

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